Professional Design and Print Services based in Southampton.

Premium Branded Website Design & Build
(Limited time only!)
Here at Studio23 Designs, we focus on creating unique websites that are responsive across all devices and tailored to meet your needs. All of our websites are designed and built from scratch specifically for your business without the use of generic common templates. Our current ‘Premium Branded Website’ offer is great for both small to medium enterprises looking to gain exposure and attention across the web. We’ll give you everything that you need to get you up and running online from beautiful bespoke designs, to a fully functional platform that looks great for your business, and helps you to stand out within your market.
What’s included:
Fully custom professional web design and build - high quality bespoke website layout and build (up to 5 pages per website), with a modern look and feel specific to your brand that matches the needs of your business
Free Website Hosting for the first year - (thereafter the first year, hosting = £240pa or £25pm)
Free Domain Registration for the first year - (thereafter £25 renewal fee pa)
Free High Resolution Images up to 10 per site - (£10 each additionally)
Free Website changes - basic changes to the website such as text or images changes can be administered for the first 30 days. Main website design, code, layout and builds to be quoted for separately
Free Website Maintenance and Updates - to ensure your site is at optimum performance throughout the year
Identity and Design - introduce visual assets, applying colour palettes and wireframing
Front-end and Back-end web development - creating the website’s structure and physical interface
Web Design - including all User Experience and User Interface design work to map out the website and all Photoshop work used to create high resolution graphics and visuals optimised for web
Build and Development - between design and build process to achieve design and build web W3C standards fully optimised for web
HTML and CSS code - Google friendly code for technical and visual web enhancements
Fully Adaptive and Responsive Design - comfortable viewing across desktop, tablet and mobile
Technical SEO - search engine optimisation
Testing and Deployment - testing web applications, cross browser compatibility, search engine submission, social media links and quality tests and review before launch
Copywriting not included